Creating Romantic Experiences for Your Love

Single red rose

We live in a day and age where the traditional idea of a romantic evening with your partner is no longer just “dinner and a movie”. People are now stepping outside of the box to keep the romance alive in their relationships, and this applies to couples that have been together for years or even just weeks. Whether you are creating a romantic experience with or for your partner, it is time to get creative.

There are now so many ways to get creative and personal on dates. Many companies offer niche products and experiences that you can make your own. One of those fun and stimulating options are personalized candles from Wax Poetic Candle Bar. You have the chance to come in with your partner to create your own personal scent. This is a great way to not only get creative, and make memories, but also get to know your “person” just a little better.

A great start to your date night might be a trip to the store. Once you get to the store with your lover, you both can find the scents that mean the most to you. Together, you can create your own personal scent that helps to keep that romance present. However, this romantic moment with your significant other does not have to end when you leave the store. You get to bring this special scent home with you. We save those special bottles of wine, or chocolates for romantic nights together, so why not save that candle for those nights as well?

Maybe you want to surprise your partner? So, instead of making a candle a stop on your date night, you decide that you want to create a special night for just the two of you.  To go along with that home-cooked, candlelit dinner, why not add something extra to the desert or couch cuddle portion of the evening? Perhaps making your own candle to share with your partner is the way to go. Making your own candle gives you the opportunity to capture those scents that bring back or create strong and sensual memories. Maybe it is the smell of the beach where you took your first vacation together, or maybe it is the smell of an apple pie like the one that you shared on your first date?

No matter where you are in your relationship, or what the occasion, you can create a special moment for the two of you that you will remember forever, and smell forever (well at least for a long time). Include Wax Poetic Candle Bar in your next date night, and you will not regret it! To create your own romantic experience with Wax Poetic scents, call us at (616) 272-4693, visit our website, or simply stop by. We can help you find the perfect creation to make together and bring home to savor.

Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose is a Web Designer and Marketing Professional.

Brand Your Business with Scent


The Personal Connection to Scent