Brand Your Business with Scent

Tray of croissants

Have you ever walked into a bakery and just took a deep inhale of the smell of fresh bread and sweets? Have you ever wondered how you could do that with your business, even if you are not a restaurant or bakery? Branding with scent may seem like a new idea, but the concept is tested and true. Companies have seen remarkable differences after delving into scent branding.

Increasing brand loyalty and sales is the goal for all businesses, and scent branding can achieve such a purpose. Scent branding is an effective way for your business to connect with customers on an emotional level, creating a bond with the customer. Creating a bond with customers can inspire them to spend more money and buy more products. The first fifteen seconds after a customer walks into a store is the most important, and a signature scent can positively affect this critical time. The scent is connected with the part of the brain that triggers emotions—so having a pleasant signature scent can trigger good memories for the customer—thus creating a memorable shopping experience.

Custom-branded candle on table

Scent impacts all of the people involved in a business, from the customers to the employees as well as the company’s space. Utilizing a well liked scent within a place of business is proven to improve employee productivity. Using scents to trigger positive emotional responses from employees can make a significant impact to overall staff well being. Scents can also create illusions within the space. Light smelling scents create a more spacious feeling, and spicy, woody, and sweet scents can make space feel more enclosed. Scent can change the entire tone of a workplace. 

Creating a signature scent for a business may seem a little overwhelming, and that’s where we come in! Our team of professionals is ready to help create a unique scent for your business. Our scent options are endless, making it easy and fun to create your signature scent. A fresh scent? Woodsy? Sweet? Whatever the scent, your customers will be able to take a piece of your business with them that will continue to spark memories of their experience with you. Custom scented candles are a common way to achieve great scent branding, but if candles aren’t your thing we have plenty of fragrance options such as reed diffusers and room sprays.

Businesses want to increase their brand presence and keep customers coming back for more. One of the easiest ways is through scent branding. Scent branding is an easy way to connect with customers, and businesses should take advantage of this simple marketing technique.

Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose is a Web Designer and Marketing Professional.

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