Best Scents for Bedrooms

Candle, flowers, and a phone on bedroom table

Did you know the fragrances you use in your bedroom can affect your mood? It can be difficult to know what the best scent to use in your bedroom is because it could change by the day or even the hour. Different scents can enhance different moods, for example, lavender encourages relaxation. To know which scent is the best for your bedroom, you should first decide what mood you would like to set.

Seasonal Scents

If you are wanting to embrace the seasons/weather without leaving your bed, seasonal candles can do that. Around winter and the holiday season, peppermint and vanilla are great options. Peppermint can get you in the holiday mood because it gives the sweet minty scent of candy canes. Peppermint also is known for relaxing the mind and soul which is a necessity during the hectic holidays. Vanilla can remind you of Christmas cookies baking in the oven on a cold winter morning. Vanilla is also known for encouraging happiness and positivity. 

There is also nothing better than smelling a pumpkin spice latte on a fall morning as the leaves begin to change color and fall. You can get all the pumpkin spice goodness without taking a trip to the local Starbucks by lighting a pumpkin scented candle in your bedroom while cozying up in bed watching your favorite Halloween classics. 

Candle next to mug of tea and book

Night Time Scents

As mentioned above, lavender is perfect for relaxation and helping you fall asleep. Chamomile is also a great scent to have in your bedroom during nighttime because it is calming and peaceful. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep because of congestion, eucalyptus is great for helping to clear your throat and chest while also relaxing your body to allow you to fall asleep smoothly. 

Morning Scents

Citrus scents are notably the best scents for energy in the morning. Orange scents are perfect for the morning because they are known to improve your mood. Lemon scents can increase serotonin in your body and makes you feel happier and more energized to take on the day in front of you. Lemon and orange candles are the best to light in your bedroom in the mornings so you can start your day off on the right foot. Rosemary is also beneficial for the morning time because it can clear your mind of stresses and anxieties so you can start your day brand new. 

Find a candle that is perfect for you by mixing scents and creating your own, unique scent for your space. You can use aromatherapy to set the mood for your bedroom to encourage any emotion you want to create.

Stephanie Rose

Stephanie Rose is a Web Designer and Marketing Professional.

Best Fall Scents for Your Home in 2021


Best Candles to Use in Your Bathroom